Thursday, August 28, 2008

DanielFast - Day 11

We've successfully navigated beyond the half-way mark. I'd like to say it is getting easier, but it isn't. More tolerable, yes; easier, no. The headaches are back with a vengeance. Especially today. I did manage to make it through the entire day with no emails from that was a plus. HOWEVER....tonight was the first student bible study at school. And they brought all the 'fixins' for tacos. It was just wrong...all that taco meat and cheese and flour tortillas. I enjoyed watching everyone enjoy their tacos (he says with just a hint of sarcasm). One of the students is a fellow Elevator and she is DanielFasting also - so we comiserated with one another before and after bible study. Then, on the way home I had to stop at HT for some chips to go with my salsa (no, not seltzer, salsa!).

Tonight at dinner we (we being Tonya) experimented a bit based loosely on a suggestion from another Elevator. Lettuce, spinach, corn, black beans, crushed tortilla chips and a lime/cilantro dressing. It was pretty good. It went nicely with my salsa (people like to....OK, I'll stop)

Today was John 11. Great chapter - lots of applicable things here. The verse that has made me think the most is the end of verse 44. Just after Jesus has raised Lazarus from the dead, Jesus says, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go." I have to admit that I pimped this off of Larry Brey, but the question just floored me. What grave clothes are you still wearing? The story of Lazarus shows Jesus' power over death, his ability to resurrect us. Just like he did all of us who have confessed that we believe in him. Yet I can't help but think about all the "stuff" I continue to drag behind me from my past...hate, guilt, pride, anger, grave clothes. It's so simple. TAKE THEM OFF! He has released me from ALL of it by dying in my place. Hallelujah!

There are like 10 more things I could write about here, but I just have to point to the back and forth in verses 11-14. It's borderline comical. I can almost picture Jesus whispering under his breath, "Lazarus is dead, (you moron!)..."

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