Sunday, August 17, 2008

DanielFast - Day 1

The What
Tonya and I will begin participating in the DanielFast at Elevation tonight. The short version of the story is: we don't get to eat anything "American." No meat, dairy, caffeine, or products with added sugar. While I have made significant progress in improving my overall diet from my twice daily Taco Bell runs of years ago, I'm far from being voted mayor of Boulder, CO. So, this is going to be tough...which I guess is the point.

The Why
We're entering into a new season at church and we're anticipating that God is going to move mightily. (There have been so many miraculous things happen at this church...the salvations, the attendance, the baptisms, a new campus in uptown Charlotte...its just hard to imagine with my finite mind how much more HE could possibly do. I can't wait to witness it...) In order to prepare ourselves for our part in what is about to happen, the church is entering into this time of corporate study, prayer and "fasting." The new series for which we are all preparing starts next Sunday and concludes September 8th. I'll try to keep everyone updated with the happenings at church and all the crazy stuff I'm about to eat over the next 3 weeks. Who knows...maybe I'll look like this when it's over.


Anonymous said...

Donnie, no amount of fasting is going to make you Mexican or a Saved By the Bell Star! You and T are in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

..."Donnie, no amount of fasting is going to make you Mexican or a Saved By the Bell Star!"...

Oh ye of little faith! :)