Monday, August 25, 2008

DanielFast - Day 8

Today has been the most difficult day, by far. I find that interesting given that the Elevation blog world is lit up with posts and twitter about the weekend. Maybe we're on to something here....maybe satan doesn't like he taunts me with 24 million fast food restaurants to and from work...and an office full of diet pepsi...and a stocked vending machine begging for the mountain of change in my office...and ads on TV every 1.5 minutes for pizza or steak or pretty much everything except tofu stir-fry...and maybe I say GET THEE BEHIND ME! You're blocking my view of Jesus.

Today's menu did have a new item. Breakfast and lunch were similar to days past, but at dinner we ventured down the road of tofu. My only experience with tofu is the Everybody Loves Raymond episode where Deborah molds the tofu into the shape of a turkey and serves it on Thanksgiving. So, you could say I had some preconceived ideas about how it was going to taste. All things considered, it wasn't too bad. It really doesn't taste like anything, but the consistency was a bit....different. I'm grateful to have a wife that is supporting this effort. She's made it infinitely easier than it could have been.

Today was John 8. The first part of the chapter is John's recording of the woman accused of adultery. (In the flesh, I really wish we knew what Jesus wrote in the sand) Verse 11 gives me hope. Lord Jesus, you are my hope.

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