Monday, August 18, 2008

DanielFast - Day 1b

We've just completed our first 24 hours. I think I lost 18 pounds. Here's a rundown of what I enjoyed at my meals today:

Breakfast: steel cut oatmeal (prepared with water) "enhanced" with honey and cinnamon; 100% juice OJ (no sugar added)

Lunch: natural peanut butter on homemade yeastless (i.e. unleavened) whole wheat bread "enhanced" with honey and a banana; pink lady apple; water

Dinner: whole wheat pasta with diced tomatoes, salad with homemade whole wheat croutons and homemade dressing, green beans, homemade whole wheat bruschetta; water

Overall, today hasn't been too bad. I'm going to have to experiment a bit with the oatmeal to make it a bit more tolerable. Also, putting a banana on a sandwich 5 hours before you eat it - bad idea. Probably the hardest thing today was not raiding my stash of granola bars or the refrigerator full of diet Pepsi in my office.

As I mentioned below, we're reading the book of John corporately as we fast and move through the new sermon series. Today was John 1. My favorite verse and prayer out of this chapter is from John 1:51 ... "I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." Lord Jesus, I pray that the heavens would open over Charlotte!

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