Thursday, September 4, 2008

Whole buncha DanielFasting

Well, I had every intention of documenting each day of this, but things got busy at work. Rest assured that we've continued the fast each day since the last post. We are nearing the end and that is producing mixed feelings. On one hand, I nearly chased down a rabbit in the back yard today. I'm afraid that I might wake up having chewed off one of my fingers. I miss meat! On the other hand, we've seen God do some amazing things since the leadership and volunteers began the fast nearly three weeks ago. It's also been a miraculous experience in terms of my personal relationship with him. Makes me want to keep fasting.

In addition, the process has given me a new understanding and empathy for people with an addiction. I know...and I agree - it's not the same. But it has been so difficult to have the only thing separating me from a meat/dairy/caffeine/sugar relapse be my free will. I can't imagine having to give up nicotine or alcohol or, worse, some illicit substance that I had developed a physiologic addiction to.

Lastly, for today, if you've ever been angry or disappointed with God, carve out an hour and watch this. It's life changing.

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