Friday, February 6, 2009

Our newest addition

So the Nuzum family has grown by two. Last week Joshua got two tadpoles in the mail from his Aunt Wendy for his birthday. Now as much grief as I could give my sister for giving me two more little lives to be responsible for, I'm probably as excited as Joshua is about watching our new little friends morph into leopard frogs. Well I've been trying to decide how to incorporate them into our homeschooling and decided to make a mini unit study out of them since Joshua has been a little bored with his Science book anyway.
So today we worked on creating a "frog folder" for him and talked about the life cycle of the frog ie. egg-tadpole-froglett-frog.... So later, as he sat drawing pictures of his tadpoles, I asked him if he could tell me what he learned about how his tadpoles will change. This was his reply: "Well first they were eggs, then they hatched into tadpoles, then they will turn into....mmmmm.....omelettes?" They never cease to keep me in stitches. Here are a few pictures of J studying his tadpoles. Stay tuned for when they turn into omelettes.


Gerald and Wendy said...

Too FUNNY!! That will probably follow him for the rest of his life. I have a little experience with that. You know.. flatter fish??

Susan said...

That is very cute Tonya! I'm not sure I'm ready for slimy, creepy, crawly things at my house. Still hoping Davis takes after his daddy and won't be very interested in that...

Tonya said...

good luck!!! :-)