Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh Happy Day!!!

That's the Steve Fee song that Joshua sang with the other ekids at church on Sunday and he hasn't stopped singing it since! The chorus continues, "You washed my sin away, Oh happy day, happy day, I'll never be the same. Forever I am changed...." Well, today was not only Joshua's "Happy Day", but a day that will be remembered and celebrated from now on in the Nuzum home! This morning, just as we were getting started with our devotional, Joshua decided he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart to be his Lord and Savior! We had just read Romans 10:9 and after I asked him what it meant he said, "I know what it means, Mom, and I want to do it!" "What do you mean?" I said. "I'm ready! I want to ask Jesus into my heart!" This is something that Donnie and I have prayed for since before our kids were born, so I immediately started turning to more scripture to read with him. "Mom, do we have to read more now? Can we please pray first? I'm just so excited! My heart is beating so fast! Please, Mom!" Well, what could I say to that? The spirit was definitely moving in my young son's heart! So we sat together as our firstborn prayed a prayer that would mark the beginning of his new life in Christ.

Then, "Hey, I just thought of something..." and he ran to his art folder....
"Remember when I did this, Mom?... heart used to look like this it looks like this!"
That's right, Joshua. Just like the song says...forever you are changed!

He couldn't wait to call his dad...and everyone else we know who lives in Texas. We will definitely be continuing the celebration when Donnie gets home tonight. (I see some ice cream in the future). He also picked out a cross necklace online from James Avery to have as a rememberance of today. So here's a picture of our firstborn...on his "Re-birthday".

"Joshua"..."The Lord saves". Seven and a half years ago as your dad and I read the meaning of that name and were reminded of Joshua's unshakable faith and willingness to boldly follow God when others wanted to flee, giving you that name was an easy decision. Our prayer is that your excitement and passion to follow Jesus will only grow stronger, that your eyes would remain fixed on the author and perfector of your faith, and that in your new freedom you would run with perseverance the race marked out for you! (Heb. 12:1-3) We love you!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." ~3 John 1:4


Susan said...

How wonderful Tonya. Congratulations to Joshua. What a great day for him!

Alison said...

heaven is rejoicing today! and so are we. so glad to call josh my little brother!

Gerald and Wendy said...

I have been soooo excited all day long. A day that we have all prayed for!! Love that boy!!! Oh, and that's the best "smile on command" I've seen him give... all he needed was Jesus in his heart :o)

Jen said...

This is the best news I have heard all week! What a true blessing!!!

Erin said...

This brought tears - what a day to celebrate! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Josh!!! I am so proud of you:) Tonya and both are great spiritual leaders and its awesome to see how your faith is such an inspiration to your kids! God Bless you all:)