Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I woke up this morning to three precious sets of hands filled with flowers for Mommy. (Ella was a little reluctant to hand them over. Daddy gave them to her and she wasn't about to share them! That's my girl.) I was also given a hand-made card filled with reasons they love their Momma. Here are a few of my favorites:

Joshua~ She makes me want to do nice things. She plays the wii with me....

Caleb~ She makes sure my blankie is clean. Mommy is the best....

Ella~ She pushes me in the swing. She makes my hair pretty....

Baby girl~ She feeds me constantly. She has a nice uterus.... (I think Dad may have helped the girls with their list)

What a blessing and privilege to be called Mom. Happy Mother's Day everyone!


Sherree and Dudley Peek said...

I may be a little biased but you are a beautiful mother with beautiful children. I can hardly wait to see the newest addition, and I want a copy of this picture to put on my desk.

Jeremy Petri said...

Tonya the kids and you look great. Miss you tons. Can't wait to see the new addition. Look me up on facebook. Love Always Jeremy Petri