Thursday, April 29, 2010

Caleb's prayer

"Thank you God that we all went to the doctor today and that they put a baby sister in Mommy's belly...."

(Yes, it's a girl!)


Susan said...

Yeah! Congratulations Tonya and family. How wonderful for Ella to have a sister.

Erin said...

Congratulations!!! I got your text yesterday and Matt and I were so excited for y'all. How sweet that not very long ago you wrote about how great it would be for Ella to have a sister! And now you can reuse all that girly stuff. ;)

Jen said...

WAHOO!! Girls always do like to make it hard on their Mommas...hopefully she'll ease up on you now and the rest of your time parenting her will be a breeze!! :-)

dawn said...

so excited for you! congratulations! two girls, two boys, what could be better than that?!

farmersdaughter4ever said...

you know I am super duper excited...thank you SO much for filling my wish of another wife for one of my boys! Your text couldn't of thrilled me more! :)...let the plans begin! love ya!