Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Wintry Mix"

So apparently "wintry mix" can mean several different things depending on where you live. Because everyone around us seemed to get 4-5 inches of snow & all we got was a lot of ice with a "dusting" of snow. But to a 7 year old and a 3 year old, if it's white and falling from the's fun. Here's Josh with his...ahem...snowball. Luckily I caught him before he threw it at his brother.
At least the 3 year old knows you can't make a snow angel on a slab of ice...
Savoring a few minutes of actual snow falling from the sky...


Nicole said...

Wow these are really good pictures! Especially that one of Caleb and the one of Josh enjoying the snow. :)

Sherree and Dudley Peek said...

I may be old, but I like playing in the snow too, especially if it was with my Grandchildren. I wish I could have been there.