Monday, January 18, 2010

Don't mess with my kid!

So Joshua went a few doors down for some play time with his buddy Andrew today. He also delivered a meat mallet to Andrew's mom to borrow. This is the email I just received from her:

So Josh came over holding the chicken pounder for me to use. He and Andrew started talking about smashing people in the face with it. Trying to be the motherly voice of reason and discouragement of boy rambunctiousness taken too far, I made sure to put in my two cents about how that wasn’t a good idea, you could really hurt someone, etc.

Josh, however, said, “Well, I have permission from my mom to do that if someone tries to pull me into a car.”

Touché, Josh.

Guess I won’t wonder anymore why all the Nuzum kids carry meat mallets with them wherever they go.
Confession: Yes, I may have mentioned a possible alternate use of the meat pounder to save himself from potential predators as he was walking out the door. Should I have predicted him carrying the thought over into a discussion with his best friend about smashing people's faces, and the inappropriateness of such talk? Probably.


Alison said...

bwaaa ha ha ha! that picture is awesome. i was thinking maybe you could bore a hole through the handle of the meat mallet and put it on a chain around j's neck so he has it with him at all times.

Susan said...

That is too funny! I like Alison's idea of wearing it on a chain so that it's never far from reach.... This may become the new protection device... mace, a panic whistle and a meat mallet...all the tools to fight off an attacker!