Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You know you're a Mom when...

Our pastor's wife, Holly, had a contest on her blog in honor of Mother's Day of all the ways you "know you're a Mother". The staff wives then got together & decided on the top ten. Here they are. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. My favorite was #4, except I would add, "close the door! (immediately following "don't open the door"), "Where is Caleb?", & "Do I look like I can put in your Wii game right now?"

You Know You’re a Mom When…

#10. You have signed a check with a crayon
#9. You wish your baby monitor had a snooze button
#8 You can feed a small family with all of the french fries, goldfish, and various other crumbs found in the back of your mini-van
#7. You find yourself constantly talking in 3rd person, “Mommy said NO!”
#6. You child has taken two baths today but you haven’t had a shower in two days!
#5. You can think of 1000 different ways to use a baby wipe that don’t involve changing a diaper
#4. Instead of singing in the shower you say things like
-Don’t open the door
-Go watch dora
-No, you can’t get in
-Is anyone hurt?
#3. An uninterrupted shower feels like a day at the spa.
#2. You know all the words to every theme song on Nick Jr. but you can’t remember where your keys or cell phone are
#1 (drum roll).............When on that rare chance that you go to the grocery store alone, you walk the isles slowly as if in a museum.

Hope you had a great Mother's day!

1 comment:

Erin said...

That's hilarious and SO true! I find myself mindlessly singing theme songs all day, and the last time I went to the store alone, I bought a drink from Starbucks for the occasion, and took my sweet time with a smile on my face! But I was probably singing those theme songs in my head as I shopped. Thanks for the laugh. ;)