Monday, May 26, 2008

Wild Kingdom (aka Wingate)

So, I'm up here at school working on an article that was due like 2 weeks ago (someone please teach me to say NO!). I decided I needed some calories to thrust my brain back into work mode - so out of the office I go toward the only food within walking distance....Mickey D's. (ironically my article is about diabetes....hmmm) As I bound down the stairs I plant both hands firmly on the horizontal bar that opens the door only to feel an odd sensation under my right hand.... I feel this thing under my hand, my brain immediately begins to assess the situation and hypothesize what it might be. Before my eyes can slash down to see what it actually is, I think to myself - someone has played a practical joke on me and put some substance on the door handle - ketchup? (catsup for you weirdos), glue maybe? I immediately surmise that it is not now nor was this thing ever any type of liquid. Then I postulate that maybe it was just a piece of tape that found its way to the door handle. Finally my eyes catch up with my brain and I look down to find this guy resting on the door handle right under my hand...

Wingate Door Monster he got there, I have no idea. But he successfully scared the .....well, lets just say I jumped back and insulted his heritage a few times before regaining my composure. I then escorted my friend back outside where he belongs and continued on my mission.

I need to interject here and add that I have been up here alone all day...not a soul in sight due to the holiday - so I'm a little more "jumpy" than I otherwise would be. Also, I'm a little on edge after reading this post from the Creative Pastor at Elevation.

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