Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stay awake!

4 months ago today we welcomed sweet little Erin into our lives.  Since then, as you can tell, the blog has taken a significantly lower position on the priority list.  But we are having so much fun with our new little blessing, and with the exception of some weight gain issues in the beginning, she is doing great!
But now Christmas is behind us, all of the family has long since returned home to Texas, & the reality of daily life with 4 children is setting in.  I really thought we would be back in the "swing of things" by now  but I'm not even sure what our new "swing" should look like.   Nights are still sleepless, daily routine is a thing of the past, school is rushed, chores are unfinished, and so on.... This was my destructive thought process until my sweet friend sent me the following video.  And it could NOT have come at a better time!  This is such a beautiful reminder of what is really important, and how easy it is to miss out on the precious gift of seemingly insignificant moments that the Lord gives us daily.  So to all my momma friends; grab a tissue, turn up the volume, watch this video, and lets "wake up"!

Our moments...

1 comment:

Erin said...

What a beautiful reminder! Thanks for sharing your moments with us...LOVE all the pics, especially that first one. :)