Sunday, August 22, 2010

4 years old

Caleb James Nuzum. Four years old. Wow. As I sit here trying to find words to describe him, before I even type one, I begin to giggle to myself. But if you know him, you know that IS him. He makes you laugh...a lot...all the time. I asked Joshua at lunch today how he would describe his brother. He didn't hesitate with his answer, "He's hilarious!"

Determined would be the next word that comes to mind. Earlier this week I was reading the story of Caleb and Joshua again, when Caleb boldly challenged the Israelites to hold fast to their faith that God would deliver them into the promised land. "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it," he told them. (Sounds like a familiar phrase from another Caleb we know..."I can do it!") And because of his faith, he and Joshua were the only ones that would survive to step foot into God's promise. "Doggedly determined" is what his name means and I think that's a pretty accurate description of Caleb James.

In the next chapter the Lord says, "...because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly...." I confess that as I sat there early in the morning, coffee in hand, with the house still quiet, I stopped reading midsentence and laughed out loud after the "different spirit" part. That's our Caleb, I thought. He has a different spirit. I really can't think of a better way to put it! But that scripture also sums up beautifully our prayer for his life. That he would be a servant of the Lord, that he would give his life wholeheartedly to Christ, and walk in bold, audacious faith, the path that is laid before him.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALEB!! You give joy, laughter, life, and a "different spirit" to our family! WE LOVE YOU!

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