Saturday, February 6, 2010


Jake Ryan Miller (my favorite picture of him)

I'm sure most of you recognize our sweet little nephew, Jake. Doesn't he look like he's ready to conquer the world? Well we know that he will, but we got some news this week that he is in for some battles that we were not expecting. Jake has been diagnosed with a heart condition called Long QT syndrome. You can read about it on my sister's blog here.

And speaking of my sister. She is amazing. There is a reason the Lord chose her as Jake's Mom. He knew she would be the perfect mom for him, and that she would see this not as a disability, but an opportunity to trust in the Lord & His faithfulness and plan for their family. As for my brother in law, I could not ask for a better husband & father to lead them with God's strength, through this journey they are about to embark on. I am so encouraged by my sister's strength of spirit, but also by her willingness to share so openly about all the real and raw emotions that go along with what they are dealing with. So please keep Wendy, Gerald, and Jake in your prayers. If you get a chance, read her blog post here. It is a beautiful expression of what the Lord is working in their hearts and lives, and some specific prayer requests for those of you lead to pray. We love you, Jake!


Gerald and Wendy said...
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Gerald and Wendy said...

I have an amazing big sister who has taught me A LOT about The Lord's love, compassion & faithfulness!! I couldn't walk this journey without you! I LOVE YOU!!!!